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Celebrate National School Lunch Week with Crunch for Lunch

National School Lunch Week. Crunch for Lunch. Solutions that boost participation. Nourish Kids for What’s Next logo. Honey Cheerios cereal cup, Trix cereal package, illustrated pencil and cereal pieces on blue background.

National School Lunch Week is October 14-18, 2024 and is the perfect opportunity to highlight some of the many benefits of cereal:

  • Cereal provides 50% of daily iron, over 25% of daily B-vitamins and zinc, 21% of daily fiber and 24% of daily vitamin D intake in those who eat cereal.¹
  • Cereal is the #1 source of daily whole grains for kids 2-12 years.¹
  • Kids who eat cereal have 44% higher total dairy intake compared to kids who don’t eat cereal.¹

Cereal and milk together contribute over a quarter of daily calcium intake (27%) and over half of daily vitamin D intake (55%) in kids, ages 2-17.¹

Celebrate all the benefits in your cafeteria by serving cereal throughout the day. Cereal isn’t just for the A.M. In fact, it’s a great way to drive participation, create a full meal without meat, and add variety during the lunch hour.

Download and explore Chef Monica’s Crunch for Lunch * featuring 2 oz. equivalent grain cereal cups—and don’t forget the milk! Try them at your school, mix and match, and tag @GeneralMillsK12 on Instagram to show us your creations.

Crunch for Lunch ideas  

Get your National School Lunch Week festivities started with these ready-to-go posters, social content and even Spotify playlists.

*Each menu idea fulfills the 3 of 5 components required for an “O er vs Serve” lunch and is NSLP- and SFSP-eligible.
¹NHANES 2017-18